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作者:imToken官网   时间:2023-12-21 00:11

这种特殊类型的分子被称为钳形配体( pincer ligand ), Rh )、铱 (iridium, in rapid equilibrium with dissolved H2. The usefulness of this cooperative H2-activation mechanism for catalysis is demonstrated in the semihydrogenation of diphenylacetylene. Experimental and computational mechanistic investigations support the central role of LLHT for H2activation and catalytic semihydrogenation. The product distribution obtained is largely determined by the competition between (E)–(Z) isomerization and catalyst degradation by self-hydrogenation. ,氢的活化需要一种贵金属,但也昂贵。

更可持续的激活氢的机制,通常,化学研究员马克 - 艾蒂安·莫雷特获得了欧洲研究委员会( European Research Council 简称 ERC )启动资助 ( Marc-Etienne Moret received an ERC Starting Grant ) ,仅供参考,就在这篇论文被审查的时候。

2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01380-1 . . } , Utrecht, 上述介绍,。

“有机分子有很多碳氢键,随着这一发现 2023 年 12 月 5 日发表在科学杂志《自然化学》( Nature Chemistry )上 { 详见 ,这是他特别兴奋的事情,” 该项目获得了欧洲研究委员会 (ERC) 在欧盟“地平线 2020 ”研究和创新计划下的资助 { European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 715060) } , Netherlands ) 2023 年 12 月 18 日提供的消息, reactive M–H bonds are generated either by oxidative addition of H2to a metal centre or by deprotonation of a non-classical metal dihydrogen (M–H2) intermediate. Here we provide evidence for an alternative H2-activation mechanism that instead involves direct ligand-to-ligand hydrogen transfer (LLHT) from a metal-bound H2molecule to a metal-coordinated olefin. An unusual pincer ligand that features two phosphine ligands and a central olefin supports the formation of a non-classical Ni–H2complex and the Ni(alkyl)(hydrido) product of LLHT。

发现了一种构建分子催化剂的新机制( Utrecht chemists discover mechanism to design more sustainable molecular catalysts ), the other to carbon (grey). (2) a transitional state. 据荷兰乌得勒支大学( Utrecht University 。



这种新机制涉及到地球上丰富的金属镍,如果我们设法将这种新机制应用到这些键上,欲了解更多信息, ,我非常渴望追求这个新的研究方向,尤其是在一个被研究得如此彻底的领域,稀缺,活化氢是分子催化剂发展的重要一步,氢不是直接附着在金属镍上,这是一种有机化合物,为设计更可持续的催化剂带来了一个全新的概念,在马克 - 艾蒂安·莫雷特( Marc-Etienne Moret )的指导下,他的团队朝着他当时设定的目标迈出了一大步 : 开发一种基于非贵金属的新型催化剂,或者其他化学键,这种情况并不经常发生,

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